What is the Daily Summary?
The Daily Summary allows you to review your daily calories, food points, average food grade, water consumption, and other in-depth nutrition information.
To Access Your Daily Summary:
- Open the Tracker
- Tap the tracking circle (inside the circle appears # calories left)
- Select Daily summary and scroll through to view
- Press the "i" icons to get more information
After viewing the day's activities, tap on the My Progress tab to review your changes over time.
Upgrade to the PRO subscription to unlock more nutrients, including a breakdown of your total carbohydrates, fiber, total and saturated fat, protein, and many more.
Visual Guide
To Access Your Daily Summary:
- Open the Tracker
- Tap the tracking circle (inside the circle appears # calories left)
- Select Daily summary and scroll through to view
- Press the "i" icons to get more information
After viewing the day's activities, tap on the My Progress tab to review your changes over time.
Upgrade to the PRO subscription to unlock more nutrients, including a breakdown of your total carbohydrates, fiber, total and saturated fat, protein, and many more.