Sometimes Fooducate will grade two identical products with a different grade. These are several reasons why this can happen, from product serving size, reformulation, and database error.
Serving size: a product's grade is based on serving sizes. A larger serving may have more sugar and calories, and thus a slightly lower grade than the smaller serving.
Manufacturer variation: the manufacturer may have updated the product and has two versions out in the market at the same time. Sometimes the packaging changes as well, and a new UPC (barcode) is used.
Regional supply: some food companies have several manufacturing facilities, each outputting a product with slight variations in ingredients based on regional supply.
Your personalized settings: sometimes you will see a product rated and remember that last week it had a different grade. This can happen if you changed your personalized settings. For example, choosing a low-carb profile will slightly lower the grades of products that are high in carbs.
Database errors: the same product may have varying grades due to errors in our database. We have a pretty strict quality assurance process in place, but mistakes do happen. Feel free to let us know and we'll rectify as soon as possible.